Fellowship One has different options for integrating with Protect My Ministry depending on the needs of the church.
Fellowship One Direct
If your church will be ordering the same package for all applicants, the built in integration inside of Fellowship One will work for you. Information regarding background checks is found in the Fellowship One Help Center. There are many articles related to background checks. You can start with this one and then search for additional information as needed.
To access additional information on background checks: Click the link to the F1 Help Center from your log in screen.
Next click the tab for the Knowledge Base
Type background checks into the search bar
Legacy Fellowship One
Protect My Ministry also offers a legacy integration with Fellowship One. This integration requires the Fellowship One user to log into Ministry Mobilizer, import the applicant from Fellowship One and then place the order for the background check and/or child safety training. You can also use the Ministry Mobilizer to collect the consent form for the background check when you need custom language or other options not available in Fellowship One such as multiple package flexibility.
This Fellowship One article explains the process.
Not sure which package is right for you?
If you need help determining which package is best for your organization, please contact Protect My Ministry for assistance. support@protectmyministry.com or call 1-80-319-5581
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