Q. What is the purpose of the Child Safety Training?
By educating employees and volunteers properly on how to identify common signs of abuse, you are better prepared to prevent it from happening in your own organization. All training includes a video followed by a 25-question exam that requires 70% or higher to pass. The exam will be comprised of random questions pulled from a 50-question databank so exams will be different across participants. These videos are not geared towards children but for adults serving their organization's youth.
Employee (length 1 hour) This course meets the requirements for youth camps and campus programs for minor training in Texas and is an approved course by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Volunteer (length 30 minutes) -covers the first 5 topics of the Employee training
Spanish (length 1 hour) -This course is a Spanish version of our full-length Employee version and meets the requirements for youth camps and campus programs for minor training in the state of Texas and is an approved course by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Q. What information is required to place a request for my applicant to complete the training?
First/Last name, Date of Birth and Email Address are the only required pieces of information needed to order training from our Digital Delve platform and first/last name and email are required to order from MInistry Mobilizer and Digital Delve
Q. What email will be used to send the training to my applicant?
All training emails come from Message@ProtectingOurKids.com
Q. How long does my applicant have to complete the training?
All links to training expire after 14 days (about 2 weeks). This time limit is mentioned in the email they receive.
On Day 15, if your applicant has not completed the training, the link expires, and the training is cancelled.
Q. Am I charged for training that I order but my applicant fails to complete?
No, you are only charged for completed training.
Q, What happens if my applicant fails the exam?
70% or higher is considered passing so your applicant can re-watch the video, view our pdf resource at the end of the video and re-take the exam to achieve a higher score.
Q. Will my applicant receive a certificate once they complete the training?
Yes, after achieving a passing score, the applicant will be able to view their score and choose to either re-take the exam for a better score or, if satisfied with their score, submit their score so they can view the certificate. They can download and save the certificate or print it. A URL to the certificate will also be returned on your completed report for your order so you can also view/print the certificate.
Q. Can applicants view their questions and answers for the exam?
Yes, applicants will be given the option to view their results upon completion of the exam before printing their certificate.
Q. My applicant says they did not receive the email to complete the training. How can I resend the email?
Tell the applicant to allow 30 minutes for the email to arrive. They should also check their spam and junk folders. If they still do not see it, you will need to cancel the order for training and re-order it.
Q. My applicant says they get a Vimeo error when they click the link to watch the video.
This error is rare but can happen. Tell the applicant to close their browser and click the link in their email again. They may need to wait a couple of minutes.
Q. My applicant says they did not get the exam after watching the video.
If the applicant forwards to fast through the video, they may go past the point that triggers the exam. Ask the applicant to stop at least 20 seconds before the end so that the exam can load properly.
Q. My applicant says they completed the training and sent me a screenshot of their ‘results but their score is not updated in my account and shows pending still.
The applicant did not read the instructions clearly after completing the exam. There is a pop-up warning them to Submit their score if satisfied so they can “View the Certificate.” After submitting the score, they need to click the “View Certificate” button and once they have viewed the final certificate, the results will update in your account. They can go back to the original link in their email and go back to the training, fast forward through the video to this step (they will not have to re-take the exam) and submit their score.
Q. Can I change the language of the email that is sent to my applicants?
No, unfortunately there is only one email that is sent out from our system to all applicants regardless of organization.
Q: Can I change the email address used to send it to my applicants?
No, unfortunately all training emails are sent from one domain message@protectingourkids.com
Q. Can I order the training while I order the background check?
Yes, but we do not recommend it when ordering from Digital Delve. While background checks are normally completed in 1-3 business days, training links do not expire for 14 days, which will prevent your report from being completed. We recommend you place a separate order for training, so background check results are not delayed. From within Ministry Mobilizer, it is fine to order both at the same time.
Q. I ordered the background check using AppScreen for my applicant. Will my applicant need to complete another AppScreen if I order training separately?
No. You can order the training by placing a manual order for only the training. No disclosure and authorization are required nor is the applicant’s SSN (Social Security Number). If you know the applicant’s first/last name, DOB, and email, you can order training.
Q. Is there some place I can go to see what the training looks like?
Yes, go to https://www.protectingourkids.com/ and there is a sample snippet of our volunteer training.
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