Users of Ministry Mobilizer can track the training status for their applicants through the Child Safety Training menu. All orders, regardless of status, will appear in the default Filter state of All. However, each training status type can be filtered separately to make resending and cancelling of outstanding requests easier.
All - All Child Safety Training orders for your account.
Pending - The Child Safety Training has not yet been completed by the applicant.
Complete - Once the applicant has completed the Training and Saved the Score, the applicant status will reflect Complete.
Expired - the links to our training will expire after 14 days and applicant status will change to 'Expired'.
Cancelled- If an applicant's training is no longer needed, it can be cancelled from the Pending section and the status will reflect Cancelled.
Date added: The date that the Training link was sent out.
Requestor: The user that sent out the link.
Cancel Training: Disables the training link that was sent to the applicant.
Resend Training Invite: Removes most recent training score and sends a new link to the applicant.
Status: Once the Training is complete, click on "View" to view the Training certificate.
Score: The applicant's score on the Training quiz.
Order New Training: Send out a new link for the Training by clicking on the arrow on the far right.
Sample Certificate from Volunteer Training
From the applicant's profile, click on the Training tab to view results there as well.
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