Pushpay Applicant Merge & PMM Report Link Edit

Merging Applicants

Before merging applicants, please be sure to check whether the applicants you are merging have ever submitted an online form or had a background check ordered. If you merge profiles incorrectly, this information can be lost.



Applicant A has CCB ID 1000 and had a background check completed on 08/09/2023.

Applicant B has CCB ID 2000 and never had a background check or consent.


Goal: When merging Applicant A and Applicant B, you want to keep CCB ID as the winner, so you keep the MM profile tied to it. This will retain the results of the background check. Please submit a ticket to support@protectmyministry.com to remove Applicant B with CCB ID 2000 from your account.

Problem: Let’s consider the scenario where someone accidentally kept Applicant B and now they no longer have the results of the report tied to the profile in Pushpay. This can be fixed! You will need the applicant ID of the profile linked to CCB ID 1000. Protect My Ministry Customer support can look this up for you. Once you have the correct applicant ID, you can edit the ID inside the PMM Report URL and then the correct profile with the results will open when the link is accessed.


Edit PMM Report Link

To locate (or edit) the Ministry Mobilizer applicant ID:

Access the applicant profile in Pushpay.

Click Edit Profile tab

Click Admin tab

Scroll down to the PMM Report field.

The applicant ID is the number in the URL. It will look similar to this <a href='https://prm.pmmdev.io/ccb/Login?aid=16346106' target='_blank'>Pending</a>

To edit that link, very carefully replace the existing ID with the desired ID and save. Be sure there are no spaces before or after the number and that you make no other changes within that URL such as removing any special characters. You can also edit the word from Pending to Complete etc. if ever needed due to a failed update.


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