View Child Safety Training Results

View Training Results 

The results of completed training can be found in your Child Safety Training menu. The filter defaults to a new default ‘All’ view but you can also filter by just Pending, Complete, Expired or Cancelled. Clicking on “View” will allow you to view/print the certificate. If an applicant says they completed the training, but their status has not updated, they did not save their score. Applicants must click “View Certificate” when satisfied with their score for you to view the save their score and view the full certificate of completion. If they forget, they can go back to the link, click it again and from there they can save their score. 


Graphical user interface, application, Teams

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  • Pending training will be found in the Pending menu. You can resend, cancel, or order a new training from here to one or multiple applicants. 
  • Expired training (training where the applicant did not complete the course and exam within the 14 -day limit) will be found in the Expired menu. You can resend a training to an applicant whose link expired but the expired link will always remain in the Expired menu and the new link generated will appear in Pending and move to Complete if they finish the exam and view their certificate.
  • Cancelled trainings are invitations that have been manually cancelled by a user within your organization. You can choose to resend the invitation or order a new training course from here as well. 
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