How can I create a new user?

You are able to add an unlimited amount of users onto the account, as well as edit their permissions, and which notifications they receive.

Only users with the permission to add/edit users are able to create a new user in the account.

Adding Users

Step 1: Click Settings 

Settings with MB color.png

Step 2: Select User Administration

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  • You will see the current list of all users on the account and whether they are Active or not

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  • To add a user, click the blue "+ New User" button
  • A Username and the user's name and email address will need to be added
    • The system will automatically send out an email to the new user with a generated password

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  • Email Notifications - Email notifications that are sent out to the user's email address. You can select which notifications are turned on for the user
    • Background Check Completed - Email notifications for when a background check has been completed
    • Child Safety Training Completed - Email notifications for when an applicant has completed the Child Safety Training (only for bundle 1 or higher subscriptions)
    • Application Submitted - Email notifications for when an applicant has completed the Online Consent Form (only for bundle 2 or higher subscriptions)
    • Application Submitted by Minor - Email notifications for when a minor has completed the Online Consent Form (only for bundle 2 or higher subscriptions)
    • Applicant Declined Background Authorization -Email notifications for when an applicant has selected to not agree to the Authorization on the Online Consent Form (only for bundle 2 or higher subscriptions)

  • Department - The ability to see any applicants in a department (only available for bundle 4 subscriptions)
    • If the account is not a Bundle 4 and the checkbox is unchecked, some applicants may not be visible inside of the account.
  • Permissions 
    • Allow to View Background Reports - This user will have access to view the results of the completed background checks
    • Allow to Request Background Reports - This user will have access to order a background check inside of the account
    • Allow to Edit SSN - This user will have access to edit the SSN field inside of an applicant's profile
    • Allow to Edit Web Site - This user will have access to create and edit Positions and Departments (Only available for Bundle 4), create and edit Announcements (Only available for Bundle 4) on the Opportunities Link, and to edit the Online Consent Form's color, logo/banner, and CSS (Only available for Bundle 2 and higher)
    • Allow to Create/Edit Forms- (only available for bundle 2 and higher) This user will have access to edit the Consent Form on file, including the authorization text, stock questions, custom questions (only available for bundle 3 and higher), or create a new form (only available for bundle 4)
    • Allow to Create/Edit Stages - (Only available for bundle 3 or higher) This user will have access to create or edit the stages in the account
    • Allow to Create/Edit Users - This user will have access to create new users and edit existing users
    • Allow to Create/Edit Billing Refs - This user will have access to create new Billing References or edit existing Billing References
    • Allow to Order Training - (Only available for Bundle 1) This user will have access to send out the Child Safety Training link from inside of the account
    • Allow to Edit Organization Details - This user will have access to edit the address, phone number, contact name, and contact email address of the account
    • Allow to View Invoices - This user will have access to view past invoices from inside of the account
    • Active - This user will be active to be able to log into the account
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