International Background Checks

If an applicant does not have a Social Security Number from living in another country, we offer international searches. 

International searches can be more expensive than a US background check and may have a lengthier turnaround time. Please contact our Support Team for information on the search we offer for the country that the applicant lived in.

Ordering Process

International searches will have a different process than ordering a US background check.

  • Once you have contacted our Support Team for the type of searches offered in the applicant's country and would like to continue, we will need to run the background check on your behalf. The background check will not be initiated from inside your account.
  • The required information and forms will need to be forwarded to the Support Agent reaching out to you.
    • Forms and information vary depending on the country and the type of search that is to be ordered.
  • Once the background check is completed, the results will go back into your account.


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